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  • Chrissie Calvert

Mid-Year Statement

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Working with salvaged wood and paint forces my hand to work with any flaws the material might have. The intention behind the choice of salvaged materials and paints is to give the material agency. This is because I am forced to work within what it allows or affords.

To create a sense of urgency I apply paint rapidly. This could be understood as a process of emergence where the painting develops out of a sense of crises.

There is a deliberate use of pareidolia within my process, of seeing images in what emerges. After creating urgently, I then interpret the work by making sense out of the shapes and forms that arise. The final step is to make an interpretation obvious to others by highlighting what I see with more purposeful brush marks.

The figures hiding within the painting have eyes emphasized to communicate their anthropomorphic emotion. The emotion I see within them is hinted at in their titles, like a puzzle to be solved.


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