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  • Chrissie Calvert

End of year prep

Everything is ready!

My book has been printed, 8x paintings finished (whether they will all be installed or not will be decided on install day), my artist statement ready to be printed and all thats left is to prepare myself for a hectic install day.

Initially I thought I'd install the works in two groups of four, but I have since changed my mind. As the works evolved and emerged through each layer the two groups became less distinct. I had initially planned the paintings to represent two rooms, but as they evolved they became each unique individual works in a series.

This leaves me with a couple of options. Do I hang them flush against each other to create one mega painting? Do I seperate them out and play more with the architecture in the room? I am leaning towards separating them out. I will try both on the day as both methods are appealing. They will all be hung on the walls with 90 degree brackets on wooden planks, which is fitting with the concept of making-do and the theory of affordances. There will be no artist cleats or tidy hangs, they will be hung in a DIY fashion, making-do with what the materials allow.

There are a few paintings which work well when placed beside one another and a couple which need space to stand alone. Because of this, I might have a couple of the paintings grouped together and others existing alone. In terms of the order which they'll be hung if looking left to right, I want them to be ordered in a way which the last painting informs the next. Maybe that looks like a colour similarity, or a major material in the previous be highlighting the next painting which only has a subtle amount. I have the whole day to play with these ideas which will be fun.

The plan is the day before install day I am getting help from Richie to transport my works to uni, so that I can arrive to uni early on Thursday and get straight onto playing with install. On the day I just need to remember to bring the essentials: Spirit level, tape measure, screws and screwdriver, pencils and the hanging blocks.


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